Google serendipitously have solved a string towards artificial general intelligence

Adnan Rashid Chaudhry
4 min readApr 27, 2022


Google has found Artificial general intelligence?

Google unknowingly have solved a string towards Artificial general intelligence, this claim seems bogus and people would like to know what i mean. To put it in simple words, I am alleging Google of one major advancement that could play an essential role towards artificial general intelligence (AGI) and it is not by design but rather a serendipitous step from Google.

It is wrong to imagine that Google has a prototype AGI system and they are hiding this furtive project site like notoriously Area-59….. There is no such conspiracy that i am weaving or alleging Google rather it is in the solution of search engine that has a key towards an AGI system that i will signal during your read. First, it is really crucial to understand what google does as per their own description, so lets dive together — shall we?

As per google claim, Google Search is a fully-automated search engine and uses software known as web crawlers that explore the web regularly to find pages to add to their large index (a method to start mapping reality). This crawler thingy keeps exploring the web and look for websites and automatically add them to index (a table) without manual intervention. So if we understand crawler then it seems easy to get listed in search and people can find your page easily without a sweat.

Google Search works in three stages, and not all pages make it through each stage that’s a fishy statement, let explore these stages (looks like architectural blocks for some thing):

  1. Crawling: Google downloads text, images, and videos from pages it found on the internet with automated programs called crawlers (the most common sensory data type and might be more…).
  2. Indexing: Google analyzes the text, images, and video files on the page, and stores the information in the Google index, which is a large database (a large summarized map).
  3. Serving search results: When a user searches on Google, Google returns information that’s relevant to the user’s query (stimuli and appropriate response).

These are standard description in simplest of words as Google explained their modules.


First function of a crawler is called url discovery, as the name suggest Google snoops around the web to discover new pages, unfortunately for crawler there is no central registry that maintain databases of pages. Usually, its look for new and updated pages, some pages are linked with known pages and also can snoop into your sitemap.

Now we talk about Googlebots, these bots/spider take the URL and try to find out everything on the page like text, images, videos or other links. All pages of a site may not be accessible to these bots and one critical insight is these bots render page using your java script code. Rendering is important because websites often rely on JavaScript to bring content to the page, and without rendering Google might not see that content and you get no indexing. Crawling depends on whether Google’s crawlers can access the site.


Once crawler has fetched everything from a webpage, then Google goes into indexing by processing and analyzing the textual content and key content tags and attributes, such as <title> elements and alt attributes, images, videos, and more.

An important use of indexing process is to determines if a page is duplicate or another term called canonical. Duplicate is easy to understand but canonical page is one page from a cluster of similar pages and google only indexes the most representative page for the search result. Google also collects signals about the canonical page and its contents, and they say that signals include the language of the page, the country the content is local to, the usability of the page, and so on.

Serving search results

Last stage is serving the results of queries. These three stages have played essential and necessary treads towards the surreal event of artificial general intelligence, now the universe or reality of web is mapped or at least some of it is part of experience, and web has moved from an incomprehensible and unknown state to a more determined one. How relevant results are presented is key to understanding relation to an AGI. It is not the nature of application e.g. search engine rather the insightful method of snooping, fetching then summarizing and finally presenting the relevant results that has traces to help Argus-eyed to see through the haze and build the ever ephemeral ghost of AGI. Read carefully how the query is processed to present the relevant results:

When a user enters a query, our machines search the index for matching pages and return the results we believe are the highest quality and most relevant to the user. Relevancy is determined by hundreds of factors, which could include information such as the user’s location, language, and device (desktop or phone). For example, searching for “bicycle repair shops” would show different results to a user in Paris than it would to a user in Hong Kong.”

It is my conviction that this process of presenting the relevant reality is a cue to materialize the artificial general intelligence. Although only presenting relevant results without other organic structural and functional frameworks — Google search remains indeed only a search engine. Thank you Google for this explanation and advancement of technology.

Disclaimer: Google doesn’t accept payment to rank pages higher, and ranking is done programmatically.



Adnan Rashid Chaudhry

Computer Science, Artificial General Intelligence and Philosophy are my main occupations. Presently self employed (last emp: Assist. Prof. , NBU, KSA)